Favorite Books

  • Power versus Force

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Power Versus Force - A Favorite Read

One of my favorite books is Power versus Force by Dr. David Hawkins. In it, I learned about the map of human consciousness which positively impacted my life as it helps me to see whats going on in the world, (and in my private world), understand it better, and stay out of judgment about it. That in itself is a huge leap in awareness, wouldn't you say?

I've given away many copies and I share the map, and I've retyped one to make it easy to share with others so that they can get into the conversation and expand their understanding as well.

I had the great pleasure of seeing Dr. Hawkins on a visit to a Unity church in Atlanta and it was quite a remarkable experience. Not only was his lecture one where we hung on every word, his energy and facilitation of the conversation just spectacular. Not a high energy motivator, but one who was deeply connected to Source and whose goal was to help all of humanity climb the scale and move up in consciousness - in other words - EVOLVE! That is the point of it all down here on the ground, aye? Me thinks so.

Hawkins has authored several books, all mind blowers. Check out his first ground breaking book here...

For anyone who seeks to understand what's happening in the world at large, and especially when horrific crimes and/or tragedies occur, this is a must read. In fact, he claims that just reading the book itself will advance you up a bit! How much is anyone's guess. Its a journey, and without doubt, we'll all get there. Some sooner than later but nevertheless!

After looking at the map of human consciousness and the various levels, tell me what you think about it. I'd love to dialogue with anyone interested. His work goes wide and deep....

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